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    About Ravine Foundation

    Ravine Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing support and assistance to vulnerable individuals and communities in Kenya. We believe that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, deserves access to basic needs, including shelter, food, education, and healthcare.


    Our Mission is to empower vulnerable individuals and communities to become selfsufficient and resilient through the provision of basic services, education, empowerment and training. We work with a diverse range of vulnerable populations, including women, children, youth and people living in poverty.

    Our vision is a world where everyone, regardless of their circumstances, has access to basic needs and opportunities, and is empowered to live a life of dignity, security, and fulfillment.

    UN Sustainable Development Goals

    Meet our Team

    Our Team is made up of passionate and dedicated professionals who have extensive experience working with vulnerable populations. We are committed to creating sustainable solutions that address the root causes of vulnerability and promote long-term positive change.